
The HHK Kiln Efficiency Project introduced modern and sustainable brick-making technology to Bangladesh, by constructing 12 new Hybrid Hoffman Kiln (HHK) brick making units for reducing GHG emissions. HHK was designed to improve the heat retention in the kilns and to capture the waste heat from the flue gas for recirculation in the drying chamber. Moreover, coal consumption was reduced by mixing a small amount of pulverized coal with the clay to introduce internal baking. This project bundled six HHKs into each Project Design Document for reducing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) transaction costs, whilst remaining within the small-scale threshold for this type of project activity. Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd (IIDFC), which is a Bangladesh financial institution, was the bundling agent for all the kiln owners. IIDFC has signed contractual agreements with the HHK entrepreneurs to transfer the ownership of emission reductions from each HKK owner to IIDFC, who have retained a portion of the CER revenues to administer project activities.


Community benefits: The community benefits plan has supported the provision of ablution facilities, small multipurpose facilities that provide first aid, regular primary health care, safety gear, and appropriate clothing at each kiln. The Environmental and Social Management Framework was expected to raise occupational health and safety standards in the sector, reduce the environmental burden of the sector and improve labor practices and create year-round employment.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here & Bundle-2.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.