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BioCarbon Fund

Tranche 1 window 1
LULUCF projects
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Albania: Assisted Natural Regeneration Project Albania Land management Prevention of land degradation and biodiversity preservation
China: Facilitating Reforestation for Guangxi Watershed Management Project in Pearl River Basin China Reforestation Forest restoration, biodiversity conservation and soil and water conservation
Costa Rica: FONAFIFO COOPEAGRI Project Costa Rica Reforestation and land management Biodiversity conservation, prevention of land degradation and improved greenhouse gas (GHG) removals
Ethiopia: Humbo Assisted Regeneration Project Ethiopia Afforestation/ reforestation Restoration of indigenous tree species, promotion of native vegetation and biodiversity and reduction in soil erosion and flooding
India: Improving Rural Livelihoods India Forestation of farmlands Implementation of best practices in plantation and agro-forestry
Moldova: Soil Conservation Project Moldova Management of degraded land Prevention of soil erosion and landslides
Nicaragua: Precious Woods Project Nicaragua Reforestation of former pasture land Alleviation of poverty in one of the poorest countries of Central America
Niger: Acacia Senegal Plantation Project Niger Restoration of deforested and degraded land Establishment of Acacia Senegal plantations on a large scale in regions where dry forests are unable to regenerate by natural means
Uganda: Nile Basin Reforestation Project Uganda Establishment of timber plantations in Uganda Reforestation of the Nile basin
Replacement credit projects
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Brazil: BioCF Plantar Pig Iron Project Brazil Production of iron and steel Innovative production of iron and steel
Brazil: NovaGerar Landfill Gas to Energy Project Brazil Gas collection, leachate drainage and power generation Improving ground and surface water quality and increasing local employment
Chile: Quilleco Hydroelectric Project Chile Hydropower Clean energy production and increased commercial activity
Mexico: La Venta Mexico Wind power Renewable electricity generation
Tranche 1 window 2
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Madagascar: The Ankeniheny - Mantadia - Zahamena Biodiversity Conservation Project Madagascar Reforestation, water protection and erosion control Conservation of the biodiversity in the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor (CAZ)
Zambia: COMACO Landscape Management Project Zambia Sustainable agriculture and forest conservation Sustainable increase of smallholder farmer crop yields, income and welfare; and the reduction of uncontrolled forest loss and degradation
Tranche 2 window 1
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
China: Guangxi II Reforestation on Degraded Land China Reforestation of degraded land Repair negative effects of vegetation degradation and soil erosion along the Pearl River in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Colombia: Commercial Reforestation on Lands Dedicated to Extensive Cattle Grazing Activities in the Region of Magdalena Bajo Seco Colombia Reforestation of land traditionally devoted to extensive cattle grazing
Prevention of deforestation
DR Congo: Bateke Fuelwood and Timber Plantation Democratic Republic of Congo Degraded savannah afforestation Carbon dioxide sequestration, sustainable fuelwood production and reduction of soil erosion and water loss
India: Himachal Pradesh Watershed Management India Reforestation and watershed management Improve the productive potential of the degraded land or watershed catchment areas and improve the livelihoods and incomes of rural households
Moldova: Community Forestry Development Project Moldova Reforestation of degraded lands and application of agro-forestry practices Reforestation and restoration of the productivity of several categories of degraded lands
Tranche 2 window 2
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Kenya: Agricultural Carbon Project Kenya Sustainable agricultural land management Increase productivity of smallholder farmers and enhance their resilience to climate change
Zambia: COMACO Landscape Management Project Zambia Sustainable agriculture and forest conservation Sustainably increase smallholder farmer crop yields, income and welfare and reduce uncontrolled forest loss and degradation to increase net forest cover

Carbon Fund for Europe

Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Czech Republic: New Green Investment Scheme Czech Republic Energy-saving construction and renovation of housing Improve the state of the environment by reducing the production caused by pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions (in particular, carbon dioxide emissions)
Poland: Green Investment Scheme Poland Energy saving and energy efficiency investments in the country’s public sector Improve the energy efficiency of the public sector
Russia: Rosneft Associated Gas Recovery Russia Processing of recovered Associated Petroleum Gas (APG) Generate and sell greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions (ERs) and transfer ERs as Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) to buyers under the Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism by using flare gas that would have been otherwise flared; and support investment in technology having environmental performance, that will reduce local air pollution

Community Development Carbon Fund

Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Argentina: Salta Landfill Gas Capture Project Argentina Capturing the LFG generated at Salta’s municipal landfill and destroying the methane contained in the LFG in a flare Reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the sanitary landfill of the city of Salta
Bangladesh: HHK Kiln Efficiency Project Bangladesh Sustainable brick-making technology Modernize and improve the energy efficiency of brick making
Bangladesh: Solar Home System (SHS) Project Bangladesh Electricity from Solar Home Systems (SHS) Promote the electrification of rural Bangladesh
China: Guangrun Hydropower Development Project China Hydropower stations Offset power and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by regional coal power plants
China: Hubei Eco-Farming Biogas Project China Biogas digesters Reduce the methane emissions overall and pioneer biogas projects as a source of credits for future carbon markets
China: Shandong Poultry Manure Biogas China Animal Manure Management System (AMMS) Reduce greenhouse has (GHG) emissions from chicken manure and utilize a biogas co-generation system to supply electricity
Honduras: La Esperanza Hydroelectric Project Honduras Hydropower generators Improve electricity service in the town of La Esperanza
India - FaL-G Brick and blocks Project India Energy efficient brick making technology to manufacture FaL-G (fly ash-lime-gypsum) bricks and blocks Reduce greenhouse has (GHG) emissions, reduce air pollution by avoiding the use of fossil fuels and enhance the use of fly ash as an ingredient of building material
India: AEL Street Lighting Energy Efficiency Project India Energy efficient T5 fittings Implement energy efficient T5 street lighting for nine Municipal Corporations (MCs) in India
India: Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln Cluster Project India Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) technology Improve the thermal performance of the brick manufacturing units in selected clusters of the country
Kenya: Olkaria II Geothermal Expansion Kenya Geothermal power plants Generate electricity in the Kenyan grid by replacing fossil-fuels with renewable geothermal power, thus reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Kenya: Optimization of Kiambere Hydro Project Kenya Hydropower plant Upgrade the Kiambere Power Plant’s turbines with new ones consisting of efficient runners
Kenya: Redevelopment of Tana Hydro Project Kenya Hydropower generation plant Rehabilitate the Tana Power Station, a run-of-river hydropower generation plant
Moldova: Biomass Heating and Energy Conservation Project Moldova Switching from coal and mazut to natural gas Generate added value for the participants of the Moldova Social Investment Fund (SIF) II Project through greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction benefits
Moldova: Biomass Heating in Rural Communities Moldova Fuel switching from coal to natural gas, energy efficiency improvements of local heating systems and energy conservation measures in buildings Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Moldova: Biomass Heating in Rural Communities II Moldova Energy efficiency improvements and fuel switching measures for a number of public buildings Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Moldova: Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Reduction Moldova Energy efficiency improvements and fuel switching measures for a number of public buildings Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Nepal: Biogas Program Nepal Biogas plants Displace conventionally used fuel sources for cooking, such as fuel wood, kerosene, dung cakes and agricultural residue
Nepal: Biogas Support Program (BSP-Nepal) Activity 1 Nepal Biogas digesters Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by displacing conventionally used fuel sources for cooking
Nepal: Biogas Support Program (BSP-Nepal) Activity 2 Nepal Biogas digesters Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by displacing conventionally used fuel sources for cooking
Nepal: Village Micro Hydro Nepal Micro-hydro plants (MHPs) of different capacities and replacing diesel fuel used for lighting and milling Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Pakistan: Community-Based Hydropower Development Pakistan Micro and mini hydropower projects (MHP) Produce electricity for rural communities in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral province in Pakistan
Peru: Santa Rosa Hydroelectric Project Peru Small run-of-river hydropower plants Generate renewable electricity to be supplied to the National Interconnected Electric Grid (“SEIN”)
Philippines: Laguna De Bay Community Waste Management Project Philippines Small-scale waste management that incorporates wastewater treatment activities and solid waste composting activities Reduce organic water pollution from piggeries, industries, slaughterhouses and municipalities in the watershed while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the waste disposed in landfills and the associated methane emissions in the region through composting of organic matter.
Rwanda: CFL Energy Efficiency Project Rwanda High-quality Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) Improve lighting technology in Rwanda’s residential sector
Senegal: Lighting Energy Efficiency in Rural Electrification Senegal Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Promote energy-efficient lighting using Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs in rural areas in Senegal
Thailand: AEP Livestock Waste Management Project Thailand Conversion of open anaerobic lagoons to continuous flow closed anaerobic treatment digesters (Channel Digester Plus) with biogas capture and power generation Upgrade livestock waste management and treatment practices in 10 swine farms
Uganda: Municipal Waste Composting Program Uganda Aerobic windrow-based composting to accomplish waste management Avoid methane emissions from open landfills in Uganda by composting organic municipal solid waste and using the organic matter as humus for soil conditioning and plant growth

Danish Carbon Fund

Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
China: Baotou Iron & Steel Coke Dry Quenching #3 and Waste Heat Utilization for Electricity Generation Project China Coke dry quenching (CDQ) technology Produce electricity and reduce the greenhouse (GHG) emissions
China: Baotou Iron & Steel Coke Dry Quenching and Waste Heat Utilization for Electricity Generation China Coke dry quenching (CDQ) and coke wet quenching process (CWQ) Produce electricity and reduce the greenhouse (GHG) emissions
China: Guangrun Hydropower Project in Hubei Province China Hydropower Supply zero-emission renewable energy, thus decreasing environmental pollution caused by fossil-fuel fired plants
Mexico – Monterrey I Landfill Gas to Energy Project Mexico Landfill gas extraction and collection system using wells connected to vacuum pumps, a gas cleaning system and gas engines Maintain, expand and improve the landfill gas (LFG) collection system and electricity generation facilities
Mexico: Monterrey II Landfill Gas to Energy Project Mexico Landfill gas collection system Reduce GHG emission from a landfill in the city of Monterrey

Italian Carbon Fund

Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
China: Nanjing Steel Converter Gas Recovery China Generate electric power from exhausted waste gas Generate electric power from waste gas exhausted from converters using an advanced Oxygen Converter Gas Cleaning and Recovery (OG) technology
China: Yunnan Whitewaters Hydropower Development Project China Hydropower Help satisfy increasing electricity demand in the China Southern Power Grid (CSPG) and introduce much-needed investment capital and employment to a poverty-stricken, remote mountainous region
Czech Republic: New Green Investment Scheme Czech Republic Energy-saving construction and renovation of housing Improve the state of the environment by reducing the production caused by pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions (in particular, carbon dioxide emissions)
India: Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project India Hydropower Generate electricity using renewable hydro energy and supply it to various consumers through NR grid
Russia: Rosneft Associated Gas Recovery Russia Processing of recovered Associated Petroleum Gas (APG) Generate and sell greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions (ERs) and transfer ERs as Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) to buyers under the Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism by using flare gas that would have been otherwise flared; and support investment in technology having environmental performance, that will reduce local air pollution
Tunisia: Djebel Chekir Landfill Gas Recovery and Flaring Project Tunisia Gas recovery and flaring facility Generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions while serving sustainable development purposes and providing additional resources to environment protection in Tunisia
Tunisia: Landfill Gas Recovery and Flaring for Nine Bundled Landfills in Tunisia Tunisia Gas recovery and flaring facility Assist the Tunisian Government in strengthening the key elements of sustainability of municipal solid waste management

Netherlands Clean Development Mechanism Facility

Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Chile: Hornitos Hydroelectric Project Chile Run-of river power plant Provide clean energy to the Central Interconnected System of Chile, displacing thermal generation
Columbia: Rio Amoya Run-of-River Hydro Project Colombia Run-of-river power generation facility Protect the Paramo de Las Hermosas, a unique, high-mountain biotope and contribute to improvements in the welfare of the local community in the area of the project
Ecuador: Abanico Hydroelectric Project Ecuador Hydroelectric power plant Generate clean power, produce employment in an economically depressed zone, replace the use of current polluting form of energy, and improve the efficiency and competitiveness of some Ecuadorian industries
Ecuador: Sibimbe Hydroelectric Project Ecuador 15-megawatt run-of-river hydroelectric plant Stimulate and accelerate the commercialization of renewable energy technologies at the grid level
Indonesia: Gikoko Bekasi - LFG Flaring Project Indonesia Landfill gas collection and flaring systems, as well as landfill management and waste collection improvements Contribute to the global abatement of greenhouse gas emissions, improve MSW collection and disposal services within the city, improve the living and working environment for the landfill workers (government and scavengers) and the surrounding community, and contribute to an improved living environment for the population of the city
Indonesia: Gikoko-Makassar - LFG Flaring Project Indonesia Landfill Gas (LFG) collection and flaring equipment Reduce methane emissions from solid waste disposed in the city of Makassar's landfill, Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Tamangapa
Indonesia: Lahendong II-20 MW Geothermal Project Indonesia Geothermal generating facility Assist in diversifying energy resources to include renewable energy; and reduce the consumption of diesel and coal (fossil fuels), thus providing beneficial health impacts
Indonesia: Pontianak - GHG Emission Reduction through Improved MSW Management – LFG Capture, Flaring and Electricity Generation Indonesia Landfill gas facility Contribute to the global abatement of greenhouse gas emissions, improve MSW collection and disposal services within the city, improve the living and working environment for the landfill workers (government and scavengers) and the surrounding community, and contribute to an improved living environmental for the population of the city
Jincheng Sihe Coal Mine CMM Generation Project China Capture coal mine methane and utilize it for power generation Improve the capacity of the Jincheng Power Network and mitigate its lack of electricity
Peru: Huaycoloro Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion Peru Landfill gas capture and combustion Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in particular, reduce methane emissions through capture and flaring of Huaycoloro’s landfill gas (LFG)
Peru: Poechos I Project Peru Hydroelectric power plant Increase power generation
Philippines: 20 MW Nasulo Geothermal Project Philippines 20 MW geothermal energy facility Help mitigate global climate change by facilitating the use of market-based mechanisms sanctioned under the Kyoto Protocol

Netherlands European Carbon Facility

Tranche 1
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Poland: Puck Wind Farm Project Poland Wind power generation Reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide
Poland: Walbrzych Oven Gas Combined Heat and Power Poland Coke oven gas Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through utilization of excess coke oven gas for electricity production
Ukraine: Hydropower Rehabilitation Ukraine Rehabilitation of hydropower producing plants Increase the electricity generation capacity and efficiency of the rehabilitated hydropower plants
Tranche 2
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Ukraine: Alchevsk Steel Mill Revamping and Modernization Ukraine Increases the energy efficiency of the steel plant at the Alchevsk Steel Mill Modernize AISW through applying more efficient technology, improving environmental performance, increasing capacity and therefore competitiveness (reducing costs per ton of steel produced)

Prototype Carbon Fund

Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Brazil: Alta Mogiana Bagasse Cogeneration Project Brazil Efficient boilers for bagasse burning Increase the efficiency in the bagasse (a renewable fuel source, residue from sugarcane processing) cogeneration facility at Usina Alta Mogiana SA - Açúcar e Álcool (AltaMogiana), a Brazilian sugar mill.
Brazil: Lages Methane Avoidance Project Brazil Cogeneration facility Provide electric and thermal energy (process steam) from biomass comprising of wasted wood not used by local timber industries before the project implementation
Brazil: Use of Charcoal from Renewable Biomass Plantations as Reducing Agent in Pig Iron Mill in Brazil Brazil Use of renewable charcoal as the reducing agent in the iron ore reduction process Replace fossil fuel – coal coke and also restore degrading grassland ecosystems
Bulgaria: Pernik District Heating Project Bulgaria Rehabilitation of 10 km of pipes (the total length of the DH system is 60 km), all 700 substations and installation of valves, compensators, heat exchanger and pumps Rehabilitate the district heating (DH) system in the city of Pernik
Bulgaria: Sofia District Heating Project Bulgaria Replacement of 60 km of pipelines (7%) and 7,000 substations Rehabilitate the District Heating (DH) system in the city of Sofia
Bulgaria: Svilosa Biomass Project Bulgaria Use the wood wastes produced at the biomass plant to replace coal Substantially reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from coal burning and the methane emissions from decomposition of the waste material
Chile: Chacabuquito Hydroelectric Power Project Chile Run-of-river power plant Contribute to sustainable development in Chile using local renewable energy resources (small hydro) to displace coal and natural gas thermal power generation
China: Huitengxile Windfarm Project China Wind power genertion Stimulate and accelerate the commercialization of grid-connected renewable energy technologies and markets, and help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
China: Jincheng Sihe Coal Mine CMM Generation Project China Utilization of coal mine methane (CMM) that is otherwise vented to the atmosphere for grid-connected power generation Utilize a clean energy resource, reduce local environmental pollution caused by coal combustion for power generation purpose, decrease coal usage and increase job opportunities in the coal mine area
China: Xiaogushan Hydropower Project China Run-of-river hydropower plant Reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Colombia: Jepirachi Wind Power Project Colombia 19.5 MW wind-based generation facility Demonstrate commercial viability of wind-based generation in the region, increase the share of renewable energy in the national grid, contribute to the development of land belonging to a very poor indigenous community on which the project sits and finally, and enable an increase in economic activity
Costa Rica: Cote Small-Scale Hydropower Plant Costa Rica Small-scale hydropower plant Contribute to sustainable development, facilitate electricity access and help the country improve the hydrocarbons trade balance
Guatemala: El Canadá Hydroelectric Project Guatemala 48.11 MW peaking run-of-river hydroelectric plant Increase the supply of power to the local grid, improve stability and help reduce losses in the distribution system, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as emissions of local pollutants from power generation
Indonesia: Indocement Blended Cement Project Indonesia Blended cement Replace fossil fuels with biomass and other alternative fuels, systematically monitor alternative fuel materials and emissions from water, soil and air, conserve genetic species and ecosystem diversity, help Lembar village adopt and become hamlet for biogas, and create local jobs
Latvia: Liepaja Regional Solid Waste Management Project Latvia State-of-the-art waste management system Capture and destroy greenhouse gas (GHG) with high global warming potential (methane) and reduce carbon dioxide emissions
Philippines: NorthWind Bangui Bay Project Philippines 33 MW wind turbine power plant Reduce the dependence of the Philippines on imported fossil fuels for electricity generation
Romania: Afforestation of Degraded Agricultural Land Project Romania Afforestation (manual and mechanized) of degraded agricultural lands Mitigate the degradation of agricultural lands
South Africa: Durban Landfill-gas-to-electricity Project – Mariannhill and La Mercy Landfills South Africa Collection of landfill gas and use of the recovered gas to produce electricity and flaring of the excess gas Improve the local environment with positive effects on air and groundwater quality
Uganda: West Nile Electrification Project Uganda 3.5 MW (2 units of 1.75 MW) hydroelectric power plant Contribute to the development of Uganda’s indigenous renewable energy basis while meeting the growing demand for energy in the West Nile region

Spanish Carbon Fund

Tranche 1
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Brazil: Nova Gerar Landfill Gas to Power Umbrella Project Brazil Closure of old dumps and construction of new sanitary landfills Develop the landfill gas (LFG) collection and flaring potential of the Itaoca Dumpsite which is located in São Gonçalo – Rio de Janeiro to avoid emissions of methane to the atmosphere
China: Dashiqiao District Heating Project China Replacement of numerous individual, inefficient small sized boilers with a more efficient central heating station Develop a more efficient heating system
China: Jiangxi Shihutang Hydro Project China Hydropower station with an installed capacity of 120 MW and an average annual power generation of 525 GW Supply renewable electricity to the grid and contribute to sustainable development by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying power sources and mitigating the demand and supply contradiction
China: Tianjin Landfill Gas Recovery and Utilization China Landfill gas (LFG) utilization system Reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from the landfill, including power generation offsets
China: Yingkou EDZ District Heating Project China Replacement of numerous individual, inefficient small boilers with a more efficient central heating station Improve the energy efficiency and cleanness of current building heating services in the city of Yingkou EDZ by introducing a new primary district heating system with cogeneration as main heat source to replace the coal-based heavily polluting, isolated small heating systems
Egypt: Alexandria Onyx Landfill Gas Capture and Flaring Egypt New landfill gas collection system to collect and flare gas emissions Maximize the capture of landfill gas (LFG) from the two new landfill sites and reduce the fugitive emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming and climate change
India: 29.7 MW Karnataka Wind Power Project India Wind power facilities Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through avoidance of fossil fuels
Mexico: La Venta II Mexico 85 MW wind farm installation Generate grid-connected electricity from renewable sources
Mexico: Mexico City Transport Mexico Development of surface mass transport corridors and traffic management measures Reduce emissions through reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per passenger/kilometer and improve the resource efficiency of transporting passengers in Mexico City
Russia: Rosneft Associated Gas Recovery Project for the Komsomolskoye Oil Field Russia Recovery, treatment and marketing of low-pressure associated petroleum gases (APG) produced at the Komsomolskoye oil field Recover and utilize gas from oil wells that would otherwise be flared to prepare the baseline
Tranche 2
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
Brazil: Rhodia N20 Brazil Dedicated facility to convert at high temperature the nitrous oxide (N2O) into nitrogen based on the process of thermal decomposition Reduce N2O emission
China: SGCC In-advance Distribution Transformer Replacement Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Program China Replacement of low efficiency, in-service transformers with high efficiency, newly purchased transformers Reduce electricity losses caused by no-load losses, and subsequently reduce carbon dioxide emissions
Czech Republic: Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Czech Republic Savings of energy for space heating of residential buildings; reconstruction of residential buildings to reach passive energy standards; and heat production from renewable energy sources in residential buildings Support the installation of selected measures (insulation, biomass boilers, heat-pumps, solar) leading to immediate reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and to the start of a long-term trend in sustainable housing
Poland: Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Poland Energy efficiency measures in public buildings Immediately reduce carbon dioxide emissions and initiate a long-term trend of sustainable energy management in public buildings
Tunisia: Sidi Daoud Wind Farm Project Tunisia 34.32 MW wind farm Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to the sustainable development of Tunisia
Ukraine: Alchevsk Steel Mill Revamping and Modernization Ukraine Increases the energy efficiency of the steel plant at the Alchevsk Steel Mill Modernize AISW through applying more efficient technology, improving environmental performance, increasing capacity and therefore competitiveness (reducing costs per ton of steel produced)
Uruguay: UTE 10 MW Grid Connected Wind Power Farm at Caracoles Hill Uruguay Construction of a wind farm with an installed power of 10 to 10.5 MW Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission through displacement of fossil-fuel-based generation in the national electric system

Umbrella Carbon Fund

Tranche 1
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
China: Project for GHG Emission Reduction by Thermal Oxidation of HFC23in Jiangsu Meilan Chemical Co. Ltd., Jiangsu Province China Installation of an incineration system to collect and decompose the HFC23 Support China’s efforts to mitigate climate change by reducing its HFC-23 emissions, and deepen its participation in market mechanisms for ERs
China: Project for HFC23 Decomposition at Changshu 3F Zhonghao NewChemical Materials Co. Ltd, Changshu, Jiangsu Province China Installation of an incineration facility to decompose HFC23 Reduce the HFC23 emissions into the atmosphere and attract foreign investment and advanced technology into China
Tranche 2
Project Name Country Technology/Activity Objective
India: PSEB High Voltage Distribution System for Agricultural Consumers in the Rural Areas of the Punjab India The conversion of the Low Voltage Distribution System (LVDS) to High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing technical losses by upgrading the existing 3-phase 400 V Low Voltage Distribution System (LVDS)
Mali: Félou Regional Hydropower Project Mali Hydroelectricity from a run-of-river hydroelectric installation Stabilize the grid in the region and add a more reliable supply to the sub-regional grid, stabilize the price of electricity in the sub-region and create a platform for future extension of the electricity grid
Mexico: Monterrey I Landfill Gas Mexico Landfill gas (LFG) collection and electricity generation Maintain, expand and improve the landfill gas (LFG) collection system and electricity generation facilities
Mexico: Monterrey II Landfill Gas Mexico Landfill gas collection Reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a landfill in the city of Monterrey
Nepal: Micro Hydro Plant Promotion Nepal Development and installation of micro-hydro plants (MHPs) Improve energy services in rural areas
Nigeria: EarthCare Solid Waste Composting Project Nigeria Advanced composting technology Provide an environment-friendly waste disposal option and produce high quality compost for use in Nigerian farms
Pakistan: Community-Based Renewable Energy Development in the Northern Areas and Chitral (NAC) Pakistan Micro and mini hydropower facilities Provide much needed power for meeting community
energy needs and substitute for the use of diesel fuel
Pakistan: Composting of Organic Content of Municipal Solid Waste in Lahore Pakistan Disposal of solid waste in economically beneficial ways Avoid generation of methane emission from biodegradable wastes and improve cultivated land by using compost as a natural soil conditioner
Senegal: Promotion of Energy-Efficient Lighting Using Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs in Rural Areas in Senegal Senegal Use of energy-efficient lighting in newly electrified households Support the national agency responsible for rural electrification in Senegal in undertaking energy efficiency measures that will contribute to sustainable development in rural areas of Senegal by contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
Thailand: Small Scale Livestock Waste Management Program Thailand Use of anaerobic digester processes for treatment of livestock manure Reduce methane emissions from improved livestock waste management practices through a carbon finance transaction between the World Bank and the project sponsor and serve as a demonstration for future programmatic Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) activities in Thailand
Uruguay: Montevideo Landfill Gas Capture and Flare Project Uruguay Capture and flare the LFG generated at Montevideo’s landfill
Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the landfill (mainly methane, CH4), which would, in the absence of the project’s collection and flaring system have been emitted into the atmosphere contributing to the damaging effects of climate change