
Jiangsu Meilan Chemical Co. Ltd. (JMC) is a large HCFC 22 manufacturer in China. HFC 23 is generated as an inevitable by-product in HCFC 22 production. In China, there were no compulsory regulations on emissions of HFC 23, as a GHG with high GWP of 11,700, thus the HFC 23 generated from HCFC 22 production was typically vented directly to the atmosphere. JMC used to have three HCFC22 production facilities of which one production line with capacity of 10,000 ton/year had been installed in 1996 and stopped production in 2001 because of its out-of-date process and high unit material consumption. Thus, the unit A and unit B, two existing JMC HCFC 22 production facilities were installed and in operation from July, 2001 and from October, 2001 respectively. Unit A has an annual capacity of 10,000 tonnes and Unit B has an annual capacity of 20,000 tonnes, thus the total capacity of HCFC 22 production at JMC amounts to 30,000 tonnes per year.

This project consisted of installation of an incineration system to collect and decompose the HFC23 generated from HCFC 22 production at JMC. By the start of the projects, JMC has not ever recovered or sold the HFC 23 which is a byproduct of HCFC22 production to the market, the project then contributes to reducing emissions of HFC 23 as GHG, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere if the project were not implemented.

JMC started the collection and storage of HFC23 generated from production unit A and unit B with containers from the starting date of May 1, 2006 onwards. It is regarded appropriate for the quantity of HFC23 stored and subsequently decomposed be part of the project activity and in line with Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) practices and rules. The HFC23 stored in the containers prior to incineration system operation and commissioning, and during the period of operation suspension of the incineration system due to emergency accidence or overhaul has been monitored, recorded and documented separately for DOE verification, certification purpose.


The project has helped China participate in global efforts to mitigate climate change by reducing its HFC-23 emissions, and deepen its participation in market mechanisms for ERs under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) during Kyoto's first commitment period (2008-12). The project has also assisted China to create a legal, regulatory and institutional environment for utilizing a portion of carbon finance revenues generated by the project for implementing programs to generate sustainable development focused on climate change.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.