
The Yingkou EDZ Central Heating Project (Yingkou) was part of the Liaoning Third Medium Cities Infrastructure Project (LMC3), which was partly financed by a World Bank loan. The Yingkou Project replaced numerous individual, inefficient small boilers with a more efficient central heating station. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project used methodology AM0058 – version 3 – Introduction of a new primary district heating system. The objectives of the Yingkou Economic Development Zone District Heating Project (abbreviated as Yingkou EDZ DHP) was to improve the energy efficiency and cleanness of then offered building heating services in the city of Yingkou EDZ by introducing a new primary district heating system with cogeneration as main heat source to replace the coal based heavily polluting existing isolated small heating systems. By utilizing primary heating network with co-generation as the main energy source to replace small and scattered networks, the project greatly improved the efficiency of energy generation and distribution, reduced carbon emissions from small and inefficient coal fired boilers and alleviated air pollution in Yingkou EDZ in winter.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.