
The Biogas Support Program - Nepal (BSP-Nepal) Activity-2 of the Nepal Biogas Program implemented by the Alternative Energy Promotion Center aimed to sell biogas digesters (biogasunits) to households in the rural areas of Nepal. The project activity reduced greenhouse gas emissions by displacing conventionally used fuel sources for cooking, such as nonrenewable woody biomass (firewood) and/or fossil fuels (kerosene and/or LPG).

The project activity was a sub-project of the BSP-Nepal umbrella biogas program that aimed to install a total of 200,000 biogas digesters all over Nepal.


At the local level, the BSP-Nepal program had multiple social benefits. A major household benefit was the reduction in time and energy spent by women and children in collecting firewood for cooking. The project attached latrines to biogas units providing better sanitation to rural households.

The project added more than 15,000 people-years for skilled people in the construction, maintenance, marketing, and financing of biogas units. The use of biogas meant negligible smoke, hence better family health. Moreover, the residual biological slurry from the biogas units was used as superior organic fertilizers to enhance agricultural yields.

At the national level, the umbrella program supported the Nepali Government’s sustainable energy goals as laid out in 10th Five Year Plan to improve energy access for rural poor and to reduce rural poverty by providing high quality biogas units to poor households at an affordable price. Additionally, the project supported forest conservation goals by substituting the non-renewable biomass used as firewood, with biogas, the renewable source of energy.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here - Activity-1 ,  Activity-2 .

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.