
The Latvia: Liepaja Regional Solid Waste Management Project introduced state-of-the-art waste management system to the Liepaja Waste Management Region including remediation of the existing landfill sites and the operation of energy cells for methane capture and utilization. At Grobina, the Liepaja project built a new sanitary landfill at the regional waste disposal site and installed energy cells to efficiently capture methane for power generation and for sale of this power to the national grid. In addition to capturing and destroying a GHG with high global warming potential (methane), the production of energy from methane and the sale of power to the national grid also resulted in reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The techniques met the latest international sanitary landfill standards in regard to environment, operational and hygienic conditions, improved management, and included the separation of biodegradable and recyclable waste.


  • Capturing and destroying of GHG with high global warming potential (methane)
  • Production of energy from methane
  • Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.