
The Itaoca Landfill Gas Project and CTR Candeias Landfill Gas Project involved the closure of old dumps and the construction of new sanitary landfills. They used methodology ACM0001 – version 11 - Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities. A third project in the umbrella was the first Component Project Activity (CPA) of the Program of Activities (POA) Caixa Econômica Federal Solid Waste Management and Carbon Finance Project entitled CPA-1: Landfill gas recovery, energy generation and biogas distribution from CTR Santa Rosa. It also utilized methodology ACM0001.

The objective of the Itaoca Landfill Gas Project was to develop the landfill gas (LFG) collection and flaring potential of the Itaoca Dumpsite which located in São Gonçalo – Rio de Janeiro, to avoid emissions of methane to the atmosphere. The main social and environmental impacts of this project were on the health of the local community and surroundings. Contaminated leachate and uncontrolled surface run-off from the dumpsite affected down-gradient ground and surface water quality, which consequently affected the local environment. The uncontrolled release of landfill gas also negatively impacted the health of the locals and led to risks of explosions in the surroundings.

The CTR Candeias Landfill Gas Project aimed to capture and burn the methane (CH4) emissions generated by the decay of organic waste from the CTR Candeias Sanitary landfill located in the municipality of Jaboatao dos Guararapes, in Recife Metropolitan Area. The project also intended to generate electricity from the combustion of methane and sell it to the grid.

CTR Candeias was the third Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project of Novagerar Ecoenergia Ltda, and as a consequence, this project benefited from the experience and expertise of Novagerar in landfill construction and operations, as well as methane capture and flaring technology.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.