
This project aimed at greenhouse gas emission reduction as a result of efficiency improvements and fuel switching measures for a series of public buildings (kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, hospitals, policlinics etc.) implemented via the WB Moldova Energy II Project. The anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission reductions in this project were achieved as a result of:

  • fuel switching from existing fossil fuels (coal, wood and mazut) to a cleaner fuel option (natural gas);
  • implementation of energy conservation measures in buildings (additional insulation of building envelops, windows and doors replacement).


The main benefits of the project included:

  • Reducing fuel consumption through energy efficiency measures;
  • Decreasing payment burden for consumed energy resources;
  • Increasing of heating service quality;
  • Reducing the amount of greenhouse has emissions and other pollutants.

Besides it, the project increased the living and activity conditions within the considered public buildings – the room heating temperature, the duration of heating period and the heated areas. It also made available and affordable hot water in such buildings like hospitals and policlinics, schools and orphanages etc.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here, Project Design Document No. 1, Project Design Document No. 2.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.