
This project dealt with the development and installation of micro-hydro plants (MHPs) of different capacities with a cumulative capacity of 14.970 MW and was being promoted by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) under the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation of Government of Nepal. The implementation of these micro-hydro plants was done by AEPC through different programs and projects namely: Rural Energy Development Program (REDP), Mini-grid Support Program (MGSP) of Energy Sector Assistance Program (ESAP) and National Rural and Renewable Energy Program (NRREP).

In Nepal, micro-hydro plants have been defined as hydro power plants which have a capacity ranging from 5-500 kW. A micro-hydro plant generates electricity by using the energy available from the falling water. Therefore, the major parameters of a micro-hydro are the availability of head drop and water flow at the site, and the size of the plant to be installed are determined accordingly. The project was expected to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the replacement of diesel fuel used for lighting and milling.

The project activities were targeted at poor communities across several regions of Nepal. This also supported the government's objective of improving energy services in rural areas by developing a viable, market-oriented micro-hydropower system by offering support to both demand and supply sides.


Off- grid power generated by micro-hydro plants provided a large number of rural households with electricity and power for lighting, milling and other needs. Such off-grid renewable energy systems not only help in poverty alleviation but also have direct local environmental benefits such as:

  • Reduction of diesel consumption by replacing use of diesel power with electric agro-processing mills and household lighting;
  • Reduction of the use of dry cells used to operate radio, and torchlight (flashlights), leading to reduced chemical pollution of the local environment and also reducing the health hazard resulting from the exposure and contact with these chemicals;
  • Reduction of the pollution from Lead Acid Cell Batteries. With proper electric supply households need not purchase a battery to supply electricity for lighting. Therefore, charging practices have been eliminated, hence eliminating the need for continuous transport of wet lead acid batteries from houses to charging stations.

Aside from environment benefit the MHP benefits other areas of the Sustainable Development Agenda such as:

  • Plants constructed under the project have been managed and operated by the community, institutions or private entrepreneurs leading to local empowerment;
  • Adequate training for operation, repair and maintenance were provided to the people for the smooth operation of plant, which enhanced the skill set of local people;
  • Electrical end-use enterprises were supported to increase plant factor which led to different opportunities for self-employment at the local level;
  • The market of MHP components flourished due to a large number of installations increasing the number of local manufacturers, suppliers and installers whereby creating jobs for many and at the same time, helping to lower the cost of MHP components due to a competitive market mechanism.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.