
The Use of Charcoal from Renewable Biomass Plantations as Reducing Agent in Pig Iron Mill in Brazil project has comprised of use of renewable charcoal as the reducing agent in the iron ore reduction process. This results in the replacement of fossil fuel – coal coke and also restores degrading grassland ecosystems. To implement this project activity, the Plantar Group constituted a sustainable and new iron ore reduction system undertaking a major two-folded new investment: i) the establishment of newly dedicated wood plantations to enable the sustainable production of renewable charcoal, and ii) the refurbishment of its pig iron facilities. The project activity has relied on sustainable production practices and advanced plantation technology developed by the project entity. The plantations have been managed using sustainable management practices according to the principles of international recognized environmental and quality certification systems. The production of seedlings in large-scale nurseries and localized irrigation systems have been designed to make the use of water and other inputs more efficient. The fire protection and set-asides of preservation areas have enhanced the biodiversity of the project area. The processing of wood into charcoal has occurred in improved brick kilns and has applied operations allowing for greater control of carbonization variables and enabling the project entity to reduce methane emissions.


  • Replacement of fossil fuel – coal coke in the work of pig iron mills in Brazil
  • Restoration of degrading grassland ecosystems

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.