
The Pontianak landfill is a controlled landfill serving the City of Pontianak. At the time of the project design, no facilities existed in Indonesia to collect and combust methane and awareness of the technology and its development are limited. The project constructed the first landfill gas facility in the country and provided a demonstration of the technology that takes into consideration Indonesia’s tropical environment and other local conditions.

The objectives of this project were:

  • Contribute to the global abatement of greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Improve municipal solid waste collection and disposal services within the city,
  • Improve the living and working environment for the landfill workers (government and scavengers) and the surrounding community,
  • Contribute to an improved living environmental for the population of the city.

To achieve these objectives the project proposed the installation of landfill gas (LFG) collection system and an enclosed LFG flaring facility which destroys the methane gas that is being generated within the City of Pontianak’s landfill, TPA Batu Layang. In addition, the project utilized some of the collected LFG for the generation of electricity required to meet the parasitic load of the facility.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.