
This Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project was implemented under a commercial agreement between PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia and the Municipal Government of Bekasi. It covered the landfill gas collection and flaring systems as well as the required budgetary requirement for landfill management and waste collection improvements. This private sector approach to investment in municipal solid waste management (MSWM) demonstrated the potential for removing commercial barriers that have restricted private sector investment into sustainable MSWM and the associated environmental and social improvements.

The objectives of this project were:

  • Contribute to the global abatement of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Improve MSW collection and disposal services within the city
  • Improve the living and working environment for the landfill workers (government and scavengers) and the surrounding community
  • Contribute to an improved living environmental for the population of the city

To achieve these objectives the project installed an LFG collection system and an enclosed LFG flaring facility which were destroying the methane gas that was being generated within the City of Bekasi’s landfill, TPA Sumur Batu. In addition, the project utilized some of the collected LFG for the generation of electricity required to meet the parasitic load of this facility.


The World Bank, acting as a trustee of the Netherlands Clean Development Facility, helped provide the social benefit component.

  • Seven percent of the revenues have supported the community development in Sumur Batu
  • Another 10 percent of the revenue have been added to the local budget

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.