
The Bulgaria: Sofia District Heating Project was situated in the city of Sofia in Bulgaria. The aim of the project was to rehabilitate the District Heating (DH) system in the city of Sofia by replacing 60 km of pipelines (7%) and 7,000 substations. The project converted Sofia DH network to a variable flow one which has allowed groups of consumers to automatically regulate their heat consumption and strengthen the connections between the four zones of Sofia to integrate the DH network and to optimize the heat supply. The goal of the project was to reduce heat losses and improve efficiency of the network so energy consumption and hence CO2 emissions are correspondingly reduced up to ~15 % in comparison with the baseline scenario. The project was originally bundled with similar Pernik project. The projects have been separated into two independent projects for re-determination due to the facts that they have been implemented by different project entities and project characteristics are slightly different with differing implementation timetables.


  • Rehabilitation of the the district heating (DH) system in the city of Sofia
  • Increased operating efficiency of the DH system
  • Reduced heat losses
  • Improved efficiency of the network
  • Reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions by ~15%

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.