
The objective of the Makassar Landfill Methane Collection and Flaring Project for Indonesia was to reduce methane emissions from solid waste disposed in the city of Makassar's landfill, Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Tamangapa. The project delivered a construction and operation of Landfill Gas (LFG) collection and flaring equipment that will result in Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The project developer constructed a system to collect and flare the LFG produced from Makassar's landfill site thus reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to accomplish this objective, the city of Makassar has engaged a private sector company, Gikoko. Gikoko was responsible for financing the construction and operation of the LFG extraction and flaring facility while the city of Makassar will continue to own and operate the landfill.

The World Bank managed Netherlands Clean Development Facility (NCDMF) financed the purchase of CER credits resulting from the LFG flaring component. The design of the LFG flaring component was significantly influenced by the attempt to optimize the amount of CERs to be delivered and purchased through this transaction.


Under the agreement between Gikoko and the City, Gikoko and the City invested/reinvested into the waste collection systems so as to assist the local government in improving collection services for the city. This ensured that collection service increases above the expected the population growth of the city. The project therefore contributed to enhancing the living environment of the residents of the municipality in addition to contributing to the abatement of global anthropogenic GHG emissions. 

The Makassar Landfill Gas project also supported community development activities to bring about real, measurable and sustainable improvements in quality of life, education, income earning opportunity and specific focus on women and children of the scavenger community.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.