
The Nepal: Village Micro Hydro project aimed to reduce GHG emissions through the development and installation of micro-hydro plants (MHPs) of different capacities and replacing diesel fuel used for lighting and milling. The project was being promoted by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) under the Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE) of the Government of Nepal. In Nepal, micro-hydro plants have been defined as hydro power plants having a capacity ranging from 5-500 kW. The “hydros” were owned, constructed, managed and operated by the beneficiary community themselves – with oversight and training support to locally hired operators from AEPC’s 16 district centers.


Community benefits: Replacement of diesel power for agro-processing mills and 142,000 households; reduction in use of batteries for radio and flashlights, and reduced environmental chemical pollution.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.