
The Tunisia: Sidi Daoud Wind Farm Project involved the construction and operation of a 34.32 MW wind farm in Sidi Daoud (Governorate of Nabeul), Tunisia, and used methodology ACM0002 – version 11 – consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources. The wind farm was located in the vicinity of the rural area of Sidi Daoud, near the city of El Haouaria, approximately 100 km north-east of Tunis. The project comprised 26 wind turbines of 1,320 kW each, with a total installed capacity of 34.32 MW.  The project also included a transformation substation aimed at upgrading the power generated by the turbines to 90 Kilovolts (kV), and the construction of a 22.5 km high voltage transmission line (90 kV) linking the wind farm to the nearest central transformation station of Menzel Temime 1 and connecting it to the Tunisian interconnected electricity grid. This transmission line has allowed for transmission of the total amount of power generated by the project to the Tunisian electricity grid. The project has reduced GHG emissions and has contributed to the sustainable development of Tunisia.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.