
The Jincheng Sihe Coal Mine CMM Generation Project was located within the Sihe Coal Mine, Jiafeng Town, Qinshui County, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province of China. It has utilized the coal mine methane (CMM) that is otherwise vented to the atmosphere for grid-connected power generation with an installed capacity of 120 MW. The full operation of the project has produced about 823,200MWh of electricity annually that was sold to North China Grid, and about 181.474 Mm3 pure methane that has been consumed annually. All methane utilized in this project activity has come from CMM and no CBM is involved. This project has used CMM extracted with the current CMM recovery system and has not involved retrofitting of the CMM recovery system. The contribution of this project to local sustainable development includes: utilization of clean energy resource that would have been released into the atmosphere for power generation; reduction of local environmental pollution caused by coal combustion for power generation purpose; decrease of coal usage by substituting coal-fired power generation from North China Grid; and increased job opportunities in the coalmine area.


  • Utilization of clean energy resource that would have been released into the atmosphere for power generation
  • Reduction of local environmental pollution caused by coal combustion for power generation purpose
  • Decrease of coal usage by substituting coal-fired power generation from North China Grid
  • Increased job opportunities in the coalmine area

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.