
The Amoya River Environmental Services Project aimed to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector in Colombia through the promotion of an 80 MW run-of-river generation facility. It supported an environmental program for the protection of the Paramo de Las Hermosas, a unique, high-mountain biotope, upstream from the generation facility, and a social program that has contributed to improvements in the welfare of the local community in the area of the project.

Renewable energy was produced from a run of the run-of-river power plant, with a nominal capacity of 80 MW and a generation of 510 GWh/year has been supported. The power plant is connected to the grid through an 18km transmission line.


The Rio Amoya Project contributed to the sustainable development of Colombia through environmental and social programs.  Both the social and environmental programs were financed with 20% of the carbon revenues (10% each), up to 2012.

The environmental program aimed to promote conservation of the moorlands (Páramo ecosystem in the area of the project), therefore maintaining its ability to regulate the water cycle in the surrounding area (the Paramo replenishes the rivers and acts as a climate regulating system), and thus, contributed to maintaining the water supply to the region and the power plant. The program also contributed to the conservation of the highly biodiverse habitat, characteristic of the Paramo Las Hermosas and its high rates of carbon sequestration. The program consisted of a diverse group of activities that included a water cycle study and adaptation plan for the Páramo.

The social program consisted of activities resulting from public consultation and workshops with the local community. Specifically, the following activities have been conducted:

  • Improvement in the health and sanitation conditions, access to potable water and health services to the area;
  • Activities seeking to improve infrastructure and access to education;
  • Communication for rural development;
  • Community strengthening and sustainable production;
  • Conservation of the watershed.

The environmental and social programs were additional to what is required by law and complemented the investments in mitigation of impacts caused by the operation, and were included in the capital costs of the power plant. 

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.