
The Senegal Lighting Energy Efficiency in Rural Electrification was a small-scale Component Project Activity implemented for the promotion of energy-efficient lighting using Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs in rural areas in Senegal undertaken by the Senegalese Rural Electrification Agency (ASER). The Component Project Activity aimed to provide energy-efficient lighting in newly electrified households and buildings in the concession of Saint-Louis-Dagana-Podor. The concession was granted to Office National de l’Electricite (ONE) of Morocco through an international bidding process. In 2008, ONE signed a Concession Contract with the Republic of Senegal’s Compagnie Maroco-Senegalaise d’Electricite (COMASEL), which was the Component Project Activity implementer for this project and it was responsible for the purchase and installation of Compact Fluorescents.


Community benefits: Use of compact fluorescent bulbs instead of kerosene lamps and batteries; electricity for productive uses, social services, and schools.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.