
The Biomass Heating and Energy Conservation Project was aimed at generating added value for the participants of the Moldova Social Investment Fund (SIF) II Project, through GHG emissions reduction benefits. These reductions were achieved because of fuel switching from coal and mazut to natural gas, energy efficiency improvements of local heating systems and the implementation of energy conservation measures in buildings. This project bundled 120 project activities under three project design documents. The owners of all public buildings involved in the project were local public authorities and beneficiaries of the CDCF project.


Community benefits: Improved heating service and energy efficiency, increased number of days that buildings are heated, and decrease in cost of heat; reduced use of wood for fuel that has reduced forest degradation.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here, Project Design Document No. 1, Project Design Document No. 2.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.