
The Huitengxile Windfarm Project was located within the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China. The project has included the installation of 22 turbines, 12 of which have a capacity of 900 kW, and 10 of which have a capacity of 1500 kW, providing a total of 25.8 MW. The project had an excellent wind resource, and has benefited from a strong transmission system nearby. It has generated approximately 59.19 GWh per year that has been sold into the Inner Mongolian Western Grid. The project has assisted China in stimulating and accelerating the commercialization of grid-connected renewable energy technologies and markets, and therefore has helped reduce GHG emissions versus the high-growth, coal-dominated business-as-usual scenario. The project demonstrated the viability of larger grid connected wind farms, and has also demonstrated that in-turn support improved energy security, improved air quality, alternative sustainable energy futures, improved local livelihoods and sustainable renewable energy industry development.


  • Stimulation and acceleration of the commercialization of grid-connected renewable energy technologies and markets
  • Support to the reduction of GHG emissions versus the high-growth, coal-dominated business-as-usual scenario
  • Demonstrated viability of larger grid connected wind farms
  • Contributions to improved energy security, improved air quality, alternative sustainable energy futures, improved local livelihoods and sustainable renewable energy industry development

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.