
The main objective of the Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Project was to ensure that the delivered Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) were greened through the implementation of the Polish Green Investment Scheme's Energy Management in Public Buildings Program. The proposed areas of support primarily included energy saving and energy efficiency investments in the country’s public sector. Subsidies have been provided to owners and users for the implementation of the thermal modernization (improvement of energy efficiency) of public buildings, including equipping the buildings with the highest, economically justified and energy effective systems directly related to the thermal modernization of buildings.

The specific project activities included: (i) insulation of building walls; (ii) replacement of windows; (iii) replacement of external doors; (iv) replacement of lighting with energy saving appliances; (v) conversion of the heating system (together with replacement of the heat source); (vi) replacement of ventilation and air-conditioning systems; (vii) preparation of technical 1 “Poland—Annex to Country Partnership Strategy for Central Europe and the Baltic Countries” (2009-2013). 3 specifications for the project; (viii) energy management systems in the buildings; (ix) promotion of use of renewable energy sources.


Investments in energy saving and energy efficiency investments in the country’s public sector have not caused significant adverse environmental and social impacts as they have related exclusively to the upgrading and/or rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures. The project has had a net positive environmental impact by saving energy or using renewable sources, thereby conserving fossil fuels, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, noxious gases (e.g. SOx, NOx) and particles (soot). Through its contributions to reducing CO2 emissions, the project has incrementally contributed to climate change mitigation. Furthermore, the project has had positive social impacts – the upgrading of public state buildings has improved quality of life for the population and has contributed to reduction of air polluting emissions, especially SOx and PM10.

Documents and project details

Technical documents related to the carbon standard can be found here.

Details on project preparation and implementation can be found here.