
The World Bank’s Umbrella Carbon Facility was established in December 2005 with the purpose of handling large greenhouse gas reduction purchases under the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. The Facility pulled together multiple sources of funding, including from five of the Bank’s then existing carbon funds, to purchase large volumes of greenhouse gas emission reductions from pre-identified projects. The purchases were made on behalf of governments and private companies that had contributed to the Facility as they strived to meet their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol or other international regulatory systems such as the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme.

Scope of work

The first tranche was intended for purchasing greenhouse gas emission reductions from two Chinese companies. The make-up of the UCF was announced by the World Bank after the two projects involved were approved as Kyoto-compliant projects by the Executive Board of the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism. Their goal was to cap the emissions of HFC-23 (trifluoromethane), one of the most potent greenhouse gases responsible for climate change through global warming. HFC-23 has a global warming potential that is 11,700 times that of carbon dioxide.

In January 2011, the World Bank announced that Tranche 2 of its Umbrella Carbon Facility (UCF) had become operational. This tranche provided the opportunity for existing carbon projects to continue selling their carbon credits well beyond 2012. The second tranche was developed to complement other carbon funds as it intended to purchase carbon credits far beyond the end of the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period, thus offering project developers longer contract periods than available in the market at the moment. It packaged together a group of small to medium size projects of varying technologies, across several countries and regions. The emission reductions from these projects represented the tail end of the first crediting period of projects already under contract with existing World Bank Carbon Funds. The tranche was intended to provide post-2012 CERs to participants in the World Bank Carbon Funds.


The objective of the Umbrella Carbon Fund was to handle large greenhouse gas reduction purchases under the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol.


Umbrella Carbon Fund (Tranche 1)
Netherlands Netherlands CDM Facility
Public/ Private
Multinational Prototype Carbon Fund
Spain Spanish Carbon Fund Tranche 1
Italy Italian Carbon Fund
Denmark Danish Carbon Fund 
United States Canadenis Acquisition Ltd. (cust. of Fortis Intertrust)
Tamarisk Acquisition Corporation
Germany Deutsche Bank AG
RWE Power Aktiengesellschaft
Denmark DONG Naturgas A/S
Spain Endesa Generación, S.A.
Japan Mitsui & Co. Ltd.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated
Greece Public Power Corporation S.A.
Netherlands Statkraft Carbon Invest AS
United Kingdom Trading Emissions PLC
Public/ Private
Prototype Carbon Fund Multinational
Spanish Carbon Fund Tranche 1 Spain
Italian Carbon Fund Italy
Danish Carbon Fund  Denmark


Umbrella Carbon Fund (Tranche 2)
Sweden Swedish Energy Agency
Netherlands Statkraft Markets GmbH
Belgium Electrabel SA
Italy Enel Global Trading S.p.A.