A major initiative of the Carbon Finance Unit (CFU) was innovating and developing new tools and methodologies. It developed 42 approved methodologies across a wide range of sectors, mostly in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which benefited projects well beyond the Bank’s carbon funds’ portfolio. A large share of the CDM projects and program of activities use methodologies developed by the CFU. As of December 2017, more than 6,067 (77 percent) out of 7,889 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project activities and 136 (44 percent) out of 310 programs of activities use World Bank methodologies.

Code Methodology Date Approved Mechanism Scale Sector Scope Note
AM0020 Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvements 2005-02-25 CDM Large Energy demand 3
AM0012 Biomethanation of municipal solid waste in India, using compliance with MSW rules 2004-08-11 CDM Large Waste handling and disposal 13 Consolidated under AM0025, then ACM0022: Alternative waste treatment processes
ACM0007 Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation 2005-11-28 CDM Large Energy industries (renewable—/ nonrenewable sources) 1
AMS II J Demand-side activities for efficient lighting technologies 2008-08-02 CDM Small Energy demand 3
AMS II I Efficient utilization of waste energy in industrial facilities 2005-01-26 CDM Small Manufacturing industries 4
AMS III.BB Electrification of communities through grid extension or construction of new mini-grids 2012-05-11 CDM Small Energy distribution 2
AMS I.L Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy 2012-03-02 CDM Large Energy: Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy 1
AMS II E Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 2002-11-01 CDM Small Energy demand 3
AMS I D Grid connected renewable electricity generation 2002-11-01 CDM Small Energy industries (renewable—/ nonrenewable sources) 1
ACM0002 Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources 2004-09-03 CDM Large Energy industries (renewable—/ nonrenewable sources) 1