A major initiative of the Carbon Finance Unit (CFU) was innovating and developing new tools and methodologies. It developed 42 approved methodologies across a wide range of sectors, mostly in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which benefited projects well beyond the Bank’s carbon funds’ portfolio. A large share of the CDM projects and program of activities use methodologies developed by the CFU. As of December 2017, more than 6,067 (77 percent) out of 7,889 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project activities and 136 (44 percent) out of 310 programs of activities use World Bank methodologies.

Code Methodology Date Approved Mechanism Scale Sector Scope Note
AMS I C Thermal energy production with or without electricity 2002-01-11 CDM Small Energy industries (renewable—/ nonrenewable sources) 1
AM0082 Use of charcoal from planted renewable biomass in a new iron ore reduction system 2009-07-17 CDM Large Metal production 9